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Feb. 18 2019
When it is hot outside, the future of your herd is impacted — and that is not just while the temperature is elevated
Feb. 11 2019
Last year I wrote an article on six reasons why you should have a farm website. The main reason is because your farm is a business, and every business can be found on search engines (such as Google) when...
Feb. 4 2019
While the New England Patriots scored more points than the Los Angeles Rams in Super Bowl LIII, it might be a stretch to call them a winner
Jan. 30 2019
Six years ago, I agonized over the decision to start a farm Facebook page. I was already doing some advocating on my personal profile and thought, maybe that’s enough
Jan. 28 2019
We are well aware of the concept of supply and demand. We are all too familiar with milk’s response
Jan. 24 2019
From time to time, we all like to go on a vacation. Dad likes to hike, kayak, and bike, while Uncle Andy enjoys golfing and spending time at the lake
Jan. 23 2019
As an industry, we have gotten fantastic at preaching to the choir, so to speak. We love to share dairy content online and through social media; however, a lot of the time, we as producers enjoy it as...
Jan. 21 2019
They say that past performance is the best indicator of future results
Jan. 14 2019
Most dairy farmers we meet around the country aren't using social media to connect with consumers
cows in freestall
Jan. 9 2019
“I stick to plant-based products because it’s safer.” “Almond milk is way healthier for you.” “I choose soy because it doesn’t have antibiotics in it.”
Jan. 7 2019
I admit it. I am a dairy bowl junkie. I love watching the competition. It could be youth or adults pressing the buzzers; it does not matter
Dec. 17 2018
We are familiar with the concept of more milk equals more income. However, if additional milk comes with higher expenses, it may not be profitable
Dec. 10 2018
I was watching Miracle, the movie about the 1980 Olympic hockey team, and I thought a few of the coaching strategies used by Herb Brooks might be helpful when working with youth in their competitions
Dec. 6 2018
Via trains, planes, and automobiles, I recently made my way from East Moline, Ill., to Germany
Dec. 3 2018
During last weekend’s holiday, I spent time with my out-of-state cousins. Because of our chatting, I did not make my regular Sunday mass time
Nov. 19 2018
“What’s it worth to me?” That is a common question asked when making any high-value purchase
Nov. 6 2018
At four of the national dairy judging contests this year, the Big E in Massachusetts, All-American in Pennsylvania, World Dairy Expo in Wisconsin, and North American International Livestock Expo in Kentucky,...
Nov. 5 2018
New York 4-H has participated in every Dairy Quiz Bowl contest at the North American International Livestock Exposition since the very first, which was held in 1980
Oct. 29 2018
The National Dairy Cattle Evaluation and Management Contest Career Development Event (CDE) took place last week in Indianapolis, Ind., during the National FFA Convention
Oct. 22 2018
As an industry we are always looking for more ways to excite and entice the next generation to be involved in the dairy industry. 4-H and FFA programs are a base of education and exposure. The next step...